Twitter Password Reset: A Simple Guide

Cybersecurity Content Writer

After a long stint away from social media, it’s time to sit down and plug yourself back into the grid. You log into Facebook, nothing interesting there. Instagram – same stuff, different day. How about Twitter? What social faux pas has your favorite political figure committed today? You enter your username, a familiar password, and wait for your feed to pop up. Instead, you’re greeted by this message: “The password you entered did not match our records.”

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, it's not uncommon to forget a password or two. It happens to the best of us. But forgetting your Twitter password or getting it compromised can be particularly frustrating and disconcerting, especially given the platform’s history of data breaches.

So, whether you’ve forgotten your password or your login details are compromised, or maybe you want to keep on top of your security – this guide is here to get you through changing or resetting your Twitter password as painlessly as possible.

How to change your Twitter password

Luckily, if you already know your password and merely want to change it to keep up with your account security, changing your password is an easy and swift process.

  1. Log into Twitter.

  2. Click “More” at the bottom of the dashboard on the left.

  3. Now select “Settings and privacy.”

  4. Click “Your account” and select “Change your password.”

  5. Type your “Current password.”

  6. Now enter your new passwords twice and click “Save” to confirm the change

When creating a new password, you should be aware of the Twitter password requirements, which are designed to help you come up with the complex and unique password. The Twitter password requirements asks for a password to be at least 10 characters long with a mix of lower- and upper-case letters, numbers, as well as symbols. Additionally, users are asked not to use common dictionary words or phrases, which are predictable and easy to compromise.

How to reset your Twitter password

Resetting your Twitter password is a simple process, whether you're using the desktop site or the mobile app on iOS or Android devices. However you should be aware that the following instructions can only work if you’ve supplied an extra level of authentication when setting up the Twitter account. Here are a few different ways that you can reset your Twitter password:

Reset your Twitter password via email

To reset your Twitter password via email, you need to:

  1. Go to the Twitter login page or open the app on your mobile device.

  2. Click the “Forgot password?” link.

  3. Enter your email address, and click “Search.”

  4. Select “Send email” to receive a password reset link in your inbox.

  5. Check your email and click on the link provided in the password reset email from Twitter.

  6. Enter a new password, confirm it, and click “Submit” to complete the process.

Reset your Twitter password via SMS text message

To reset your Twitter password via SMS text message, you need to:

  1. Ensure that your phone number is linked to your Twitter account.

  2. Go to the Twitter login page or open the app on your mobile device.

  3. Click the “Forgot password?” link.

  4. Enter the phone number, associated with your Twitter account, and click “Search.”

  5. Select “Send SMS” to receive a password reset code via text message.

  6. Enter the code received in the SMS text message and click “Submit.”

  7. Enter a new password, confirm it, and click “Submit” to complete the process.

How to reset Twitter password without email or phone number

If you don't have access to your email or phone number, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Twitter's Help Center.

  2. Select “I need help resetting my password.”

  3. Complete the form with the required information. Provide all additional information about your account.

  4. Twitter support will review your request and may contact you for further information before resetting your password.

How to make your account more secure

Securing your Twitter account is crucial to protect your personal information and avoid unauthorized access. The following tips are designed to help you fortify the security of your Twitter account.

1. Enable password reset protection.

Enable password reset protection feature on your Twitter account and add an extra layer of security when resetting your password. To enable this functionality, you need to:

  • Click on your profile icon and select “Settings and privacy.”

  • Choose “Account” and then click on “Security settings.”

  • Toggle on the “Password reset protection” option.

  • Save the changes.

With this feature enabled, you'll be required to provide additional information when attempting a password reset, making it more difficult for hackers to gain access to your account.

2. Set up two-factor authentication (2FA).

Two-factor authentication is a powerful security measure that requires you to provide a second form of identification when logging in, such as a code sent to your mobile device. This makes it much harder for someone to access your account, even if they know your password. To set up 2FA on Twitter:

  • Click on your profile icon and select “Settings and privacy.”

  • Choose “Account” and then click on “Security settings.”

  • Click “Two-factor authentication” and choose your preferred method (text message, authentication app, or security key).

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup process.

By implementing 2FA, you'll enjoy greater peace of mind knowing your account has an additional layer of protection.

3. Watch out for fake emails and phishing attempts.

Cybercriminals often use phishing emails to trick unsuspecting users into providing sensitive information. These emails often look like they're from Twitter. The sophistication of social engineering scams in recent years has skyrocketed. To avoid falling for such scams:

  • Verify the sender's email address before opening any email that claims to be from Twitter.

  • Keep an eye out for inconsistencies in the email's design, grammar, or links.

  • Never click on suspicious links or download attachments from unknown sources.

  • Never provide sensitive information via email, even if the message appears to be legitimate.

By following these tips and remaining vigilant, you'll significantly improve the security of your Twitter account and enjoy a safer online experience.

Fortify your passwords using NordPass

In today's digital era, the security of your passwords is a top priority and that is where NordPass can offer a lot of help. With NordPass, you can forget the hassle of remembering multiple passwords and enjoy a smoother browsing experience without compromising your security.

NordPass uses the XChaCha20 encryption technology to deliver unmatched security for your passwords. This advanced encryption ensures that your passwords and other sensitive information remains secure at all times.

Additionally, NordPass enhances your online experience through its Autosave and Autofill features. When setting up a new account or updating your password, NordPass seamlessly saves the information in your encrypted vault.

The Autofill function guarantees you'll never have to manually type out your login details again. Once you've saved your login credentials in NordPass, the app will automatically populate the necessary fields when you return to the site. This not only saves time but also mitigates the risk of typing blunders that could result in losing access to your account.

These days, a password manager is an essential tool for anyone who wishes to remain secure online. Secure your digital life by making NordPass an integral security tool in your toolbox. Try it now, and discover how smooth and secure life online can be with NordPass.

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