Get ready for a wild ride. Today we’re meeting the exuberant NordPass B2B sales team – the collection of extremely talented and passionate people at the forefront of the company. So say hello to Gerald, Ieva, Tautvydas, Indre, and Deivydas, and get a close-up of what it’s like to be a part of relentless B2B sales here at NordPass.
What are the most challenging responsibilities your team faces that separate you from other NordPass teams?
The whole sales team carries a lot of different responsibilities on their shoulders. We are at the forefront of the company, directly talking to customers, partners, other companies, and we represent the hard work of the other teams behind the scenes. One wrong move or misrepresentation from us could have a negative effect on the hard work everyone has put in.
Does your team have any traditions? If so, tell us about them.
The team is split between two locations, but we want to make sure we always meet once a week at one of those locations. Tautvydas believes we have two Ievas on the team. Gerald survives on side salads at restaurants and then gets back to the office to eat. The only form of hydration Tautvydas and Deivydas recognize is energy drinks.
What do team-building activities look like? Tell us more about them.
The best team-building for us is getting together with different teams at NordSec and spending quality time together!
Could you describe what a typical team meeting looks like?
We have daily stand-up meets where we all catch up, talk about the challenges we each will face that day, share knowledge, comfort, and help each other. We always try to keep it very casual and have open conversations. Generally, it lasts around 30 mins, and we tend to take away interesting insights from each team member as well as enough positivity to fuel us for the day.
Who is who in your team: tell us a bit about the team members – who is the loudest, funniest party person?
Our team is full of unique people — I would say Indre is the optimist and the energy of the team. The brain is Tautvydas, who always comes up with good ideas on how we can improve our work (and he is also a meme MASTER). Deivydas is the friendliest one — always open and with a smile on his face. I would probably be the loudest, and Gerald would be our workaholic or ironman, not only because he is strict with his sports routine but because of his passion for work. He is tough and understanding, kind of like the real Ironman.
Tautvydas is always serious and attentive, always has all the answers ready. Deivydas is a very knowledgeable guy always ready to talk — he is the one to ask if you are doing alright. Gerald is literally the biggest workaholic I know: there is always a green light next to his name on Slack, and he’ll reply straight away (regardless of the time of the day). Definitely the best mentor anyone could ask for. Ieva is a very ambitious young woman and definitely knows what she wants! I find it hard not to admire her.
Indre is the spongiest person I know, soaking in all the information whether it’s relevant or not for her role. She is very keen on learning as much as possible about the workplace and the business world. Ieva is the most driven person on the team, always willing to help even though she is drowning in business calls the entire day. She parties hard enough to have a good hangover story for every occasion. Deivydas is the most talkative person I have known in my entire life, which is very nice during break time, and he’s also the perfect person to vent to. As everyone said, Gerald is the true definition of a workaholic. However, I would rather focus on his history as a gamer as I believe he could mentor us as much on Lineage 2 as on business.
Indre fills the team with her overflowing energy, which never runs out, while Tautvydas is the undisputed champion of day-to-day activities — there is no such thing as a hard pass for him. Ieva is the lifeboat when you are drowning, and she will help you even at midnight. Gerald is the backbone and the mastermind of the team — he could easily be a life coach.
I love how everyone on the team shines differently at different times. Indre is definitely the energy ball and feeds us all when motivation is needed the most — she could replace caffeine! Ieva is the hunger for more and the sales backbone of the team: no obstacle is too high or project too big, impossible to reach for her. Have a project? Fine, she will close it! Tautvydas… Describe in one word? I don’t think we can. He’s a true account manager and deals with all the accounts, issues and more without us even knowing about it — we just see the positive outcome as he has the knowledge of all of us combined. Deivydas is a true happy face of the team. Put him together with Indre, and the happiness-energy combo will fill the whole NordPass and more. We can survive on sustainable energy provided by them alone.
How did you manage to stay both productive and connected as a team during the lockdowns?
To be honest, the team was mostly assembled during the Covid period. We were bred and molded by lockdowns and pandemic!
The internal calls really help. They give us a chance to make sure we are there for each other — not just on business or work topics but also mentally.
When it comes to team goals, how do you define success, and how do you deal with bumps along the way? What motivates the team the most?
We believe that for a sales team, it is relatively straightforward to define what success looks like. Most of it is tied to the revenue we drive and see at the end of each month or the quarter, which is very quantifiable and makes it easy to see whether we were successful in our efforts or not.
That extra motivation to be successful comes from the team spirit and the honesty, the openness that we have within the team.
What have been a few of the biggest achievements for your team over the past year?
NordPass Business was launched just over a year ago. Since then, we have grown, adapted, changed our roles, and sold to small businesses going all the way to large enterprises. We all believe that the biggest achievement for us is the adaptability of every person on the team and the support we provide each other.
What is the main thing that you do to instill company culture? How do you nurture the company values?
We stay open, we laugh, we stay serious, we make sure we work together and outline the issues we face daily.
For me personally, it is very important that the team itself is very transparent, regardless of the topic or challenges we are facing. We overcome difficulties together and come out stronger at the end, as one unit.
What would you tell a person who would like to join your team? What can they expect?
A rollercoaster! Just make sure to buckle up!
What or who inspires you the most work-wise?
Self-drive and aspirations for the whole team! The environment, the culture – especially if you start as a junior. Seeing other aspiring people hungry for success drives you to do well and strive for greatness every day.
What is the next step for you as a team? Where do you wish to improve?
The most obvious – huge revenue and making sure NordPass Business solution stays the best password manager in the world!
We are looking forward to growing and expanding the team and conquering the world.
If you had fun getting to know our B2B sales team, please let us know on our LinkedIn page. For more information on what it's like to be a part of the amazing NordPass team, please check out our People & Culture section on our blog.